
Essential for your


Nisi Allure Mist Black Filter SET 4x 5,65 (1,1/2,1/4,1/8)

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Nisi Allure Mist Black Filter SET 4x 5,65 (1,1/2,1/4,1/8)
Nisi Allure Mist Black Filter SET 4x 5,65 (1,1/2,1/4,1/8)
Nisi Allure Mist Black Filter SET 4x 5,65 (1,1/2,1/4,1/8)
Precio por día (IVA no Incluido).

1 Dia 2 Días 3 Días 4 Días 5 Días 6 Días 7 Días

Our Nisi Allure Mist Black Filter SET 4x 5.65 (1,1/2,1/4,1/8) comes complete in a soft case. Mist filters create depending on the degree a more or less intesive emphasis of the light points located in the frame by a soft drawing. Example images of the effect are deposited in the pictures. We rent only as a set. The Mist filters are available in "White" and "Black". The filters are in the Fraomat 4x5.65 and intended for use in matte boxes.

Detail Value
Filtersize 4x5,65
Filter Mounting mattebox
Filter Effect Black Mist