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Broncolor Para 133 Set Flash

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Broncolor Para 133  Set Flash
Precio por día (IVA no Incluido).

1 Dia 2 Días 3 Días 4 Días 5 Días 6 Días 7 Días

The Para 133 FT Kit from Broncolor is a parabolic reflector which utilizes an umbrella-style design. It features a reflective silver interior which can be used bare or with the separately available grid and diffusers. The para features the unique ability to focus and defocus in order to give the subject a distinctive three-dimensional look. The rear focus-control design allows for light to wrap around the subject, causing light fall off to occur only at the extreme edges.

Detail Value
Max. Wattage (W) 650
Light emitting area (sqm) 1,39
Lightshapertype Focusable Umbrella

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