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Profoto OCF A1X AirTTL-S

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Profoto OCF A1X AirTTL-S
Profoto OCF A1X AirTTL-S
Profoto OCF A1X AirTTL-S
Profoto OCF A1X AirTTL-S
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  • UPDATED FIRMWARE to C13 25.04
  • MT
Detail Value
Built in Radioremote Yes
Shortest Flashduration (@t0,5 in 1/sec)
Min. Lightoutput (WS) 2
Max. Lightoutput (WS) 76
Recycletime (shortest) 0,05s
Recycletime (@100%) 1,2s
Modlighttype LED
Exposure Range 9
Power Supply Accu

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