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Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I

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Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 PL MK I
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Our Iron Glass Cine Helios 44-2 58mm F 2.0 is an old Soviet Lens rehoused by Iron Glass. It features a metallic 0.8 gear for focus and aperture. See here what Iron Glass writes about this lens: Helios 44-2 58mm F2 is a legendary lens, but it’s about to get even better! Welcome the new Helios 44-2 VLFV Cine Edition, proficiently rehoused by IRON GLASS. Our goal was to bring out the best in this lens but addressing the mechanical quirks and limitations of the original body that make it unsuitable for professional, high pressure work environments where everything must perform at 100%. By creating a new housing for this much loved lens, with improved its usability for video production considerably. Gone is the confusing preset aperture control, unreliable M42 screw mount and its wobbly body. Instead we now have a rugged, well designed and carefully assembled body that provides plenty of useful features, like integrated follow focus gears, permanent PL mount and expanded focus distance markings.

  • Specifications:
  • Sensor Coverage: 24×36 mm Full Frame
  • Focal length: 58mm
  • Outside diameter: 95mm
  • Filter size: 92mm
  • Aperture: 1:2
  • Minimum Focusing Distance: 0.5 meters
  • Focus ring rotates: 270° degrees
  • Viewing angle: 40° degrees
  • Diaphragm scale: from 2 to 16
  • Apertura blades: 16
  • Modul Focus & Iris gears: 0.8(32pitch)
  • Weight: 550 gr.
Detail Value
Front Diameter (mm) 95
Image Circle FF
Aperture 2.0
Min. Focal Length (mm) 58
Max. Focal Length (mm) 58
Lens Mount PL
Focal Length (mm) 58 - 58