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Hollyland MARS 400S Pro Set TX/App

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Hollyland MARS 400S Pro Set TX/App
Hollyland MARS 400S Pro Set TX/App
Prix hors taxe. Valeur ajoutée selon localité.

1 Jour 2 Jours 3 Jours 4 Jours 5 Jours 6 Jours 7 Jours

Detail Value
max. ISO
Cameratype DSLR
Sensor resolution (MP)
max. Framerate Video
Fastest Flashsyncro (@1/sec)
max. Continuous Drive
Version wher the camera was added to capture one
Video Resolution FullHD
Power Supply D-tap cable
Range Of Signal (m) 150
RX options Send to RX units
Input HDMI-A
Lantency (ms) 56