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8Sinn Directors Monitor Cage V2

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8Sinn Directors Monitor Cage V2
8Sinn Directors Monitor Cage V2
8Sinn Directors Monitor Cage V2
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The 8Sinn Directors Monitor Cage V2 is the ideal tool for mounting a small monitor and a teradek receiver together on a nice cage for a convenient view of the footage on set. 8Sinn Directors Monitor Cage is an universal tool for a wide range of monitors with bottom attachment. Adjustable, foam covered handles with the widened top to provide safer grip during long usage (stop point in case of loosening your grip). Handles can be adjusted without tools, however, they have an option to use a 4mm allen key in case of screwing it too tightly. The backplate is equipped with M3 mounting points essential for mounting battery plates (V-Mount or Gold Mount). Free space with the 1/4" between the battery mounting plate and the back of the monitor gives room for mounting wireless transmitters. The cage also has the opening with the thumbwheel for stand mounting. To decrease friction between the monitor and the cage we placed some rubber pads at the bottom. Strap attachment can be useful to increase the safety factor. Comfortable preview on your current work. Key features Universal (for monitors up to 7") 1/4" mounting points Adjustable foam handles Rubber padas Battery plate with M3 mounting points