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Lightbridge C-Diff 50 Kit 4 Panels

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Lightbridge C-Diff 50 Kit 4 Panels
Lightbridge C-Diff 50 Kit 4 Panels
Lightbridge C-Diff 50 Kit 4 Panels
150,00 €
Prix hors taxe. Valeur ajoutée selon localité.

Lightbridge C-Diff 50 Kit 4Panels Speedbag in heavy duty Cordura + Neoprene Sleeves The C-Diff 50×50 comes with a heavy duty Speedbag! Hang the Speedbag on your stand like a scrim bag for fast exchanges and keeping the C-Reflectors safe. 50 x 50 cm 4 x Cine Reflectors in heavy duty Speedbag + Neoprene Sleeves

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